Tagging Methods
Tagging commenced in April 2018 and will continue until April 2024 at five sites (all ~ 500–1000 m2) off southern Sydney, and another on the southern NSW coast (see previous post on research sites). Three sites were ocean-exposed (Little Bay and Merry Beach are more exposed than Kurnell), while two of the remaining five were protected within Botany Bay and one was a rock-platform swimming pool (i.e. Mahon Pool). Three of the Botany Bay sites (at Congwong Bay) were chosen along the west-facing shoreline at 50 and 200 m apart. Sites were thus spatially separated by 0.05, 0.2, 1, 3 and 200 km.
Part way through the work, second locations at Kurnell, Little Bay and Congwong 3 were created as two subsites separated by 50m to 100m (K1,K2; LB1,LB2; C3,C3N) to examine local movements and any growth differences between adjacent locations, as with C1 and C2. Some analysis is being done both with subsites combined and separated, to tease out smaller scale habitat differences.
Each site was opportunistically sampled throughout various months (classified into four austral meteorological seasons). Up until 31 January 2024 I spent 220 full or partial days in the field diving and tagging (Table 1) and obtained over 22,000 length measurements for Lunella torquata.
SITE | START DATE | TAGGINGS (both species) | OTHER LENGTH SAMPLES | Number of L. torquata measured |
MAHON POOL | May 2019 | 33 | 1 | 1163 |
LITTLE BAY 1 | August 2020 | 15 | 0 | 2314 |
LITTLE BAY 2 | September 2021 | 13 | 1 | 828 |
CONGWONG 1 | February 2018 | 10 | 11 | 2132 |
CONGWONG 2 | April 2018 | 10 | 7 | 2114 |
CONGWONG 3N | October 2018 | 8 | 5 | 2356 |
CONGWONG 3 | July 2018 | 22 | 4 | 3866 |
KURNELL 1 | March 2019 | 16 | 3 | 3313 |
KURNELL 2 | July 2018 | 8 | 2 | 1525 |
YARRA BAY | April 2018 | 21 | 7 | 1486 |
MERRY BEACH | April 2019 | 15 | 0 | 1573 |
Table 1. Research days for tagging and non-tagging sampling for 11 locations at 6 sites in Southern Sydney and Kioloa, NSW, Australia. Numbers of length measurements are for L torquata only.
At most sampling visits, a powered boat with an air compressor was anchored off the site (at depths of less than 10 m) and I dived with a floating air hose and collected snails in small-meshed bags. I moved at alternate 45o paths from shallow to deeper water and then generally re-traced my steps on a slightly different zig-zag track to achieve a more comprehensive but still haphazard collection. A substantial number of dives were snorkelling without compressed air.
I hand collected up to 300 L. torquata from the bottom during 30–90 minute dives. Specimens were held in collection bags at the side of the vessel, or onboard in a 40-litre seawater holding tank. Individuals of Turbo militaris were collected opportunistically, except for Mahon Pool, where they were targeted.
All snails were removed from the collecting bags and measured to the nearest millimetre for shell diameter along the maximum axis, (”length” for convenience). All snails were examined carefully for previous tags which can be overgrown with epibionts and not easily noticed. Initially, all recaptures were set aside and kept for boiling, dissection and sexing, but from 2023, most recaptures were re-tagged and replaced to enable some multiple-tagging/multiple-recapture data. For these latter taggings, sex data is not available.
While the numbers with multiple recaptures are small, to avoid confounding or biasing the data with multiple entries for a single snail, only the initial length and final length were used for those snails in primary analyses.
Specimens selected for tagging were cleaned with a towel (or wire brush or serrated knife if heavily encrusted) before being tagged. The growing margin was usually not covered with epibionts so a wipe with a towel was sufficient in most cases for L torquata and in all cases for the smoother-shelled T militaris.
Un-numbered tags were manufactured from flexible plastic containers (shampoo, detergent, food) in various colours and shapes (unique to each tagging at each site). They were cut small, designed to be glued (using cyanoacrylate) between ridges on shells to minimise abrasion and loss. Polymerisation of the glue apparently requires some moisture so the shells did not need to be completely dry. The gel forms of superglue were easier to work with (it bonds instantly with skin) but took longer to set dry.

Initially snails were double tagged (on the exact outer shell perimeter, usually at the growing edge and adjacent to the base of the spire – Fig 2 above) but from 2022 most snails were triple-tagged to better estimate tag loss and increase the recapture rate.. The middle tag was most useful for subsequently estimating the length at tagging but was also the most frequently lost tag. The ventral tag on the underside of the shell was the one that most frequently remained. However, for longer term recaptures of small snails, this tag was completely or partially covered with nacre as the snail increased in size (partially covered blue tag in Fig 3 below).

Following tagging and measurement in batches, snails were re-immersed in seawater, mostly within 20 minutes. Tagging batches were 15-30 in winter but 10-15 in summer to reduce stress from desiccation and high temperatures, particularly for juveniles. All newly tagged and untagged snails were replaced at their capture site by hand, except on a few occasions when seas deteriorated during the day. On those days, snails were thrown back from the boat or shore to crevices and boulders where I was confident that they would be able to re-attach to the solid substrate. Targeted searching on subsequent dives revealed extremely few dead, tagged shells suggesting low tagging mortalities.
Recaptures were made during subsequent site visits aimed at collecting length frequency samples and tagging further batches of snails. Diving was timed to provide, within the dataset, a range of unequal times and various seasons at liberty for tagged snails, and targeted data for specific calendar months for analysis of size modes in length frequency distributions.
For recaptured snails, the length-at-tagging was estimated as the length from the back of the spiral coil to the shell striae at the position of the tag(s). The length-at-recapture was measured as the maximum length. Both were measured to the nearest 0.5mm using manual vernier callipers.
A table showing the numbers recaptured and retained by site will be available in a future post after April 2024 when my research permit ends and tagging and sampling have ceased. Up to 31 December 2023 I have recorded over 1,100 Lunella torquata and 900 Turbo militaris recaptures.
Tag recapture data can be made available in a MS Excel workbook if anyone wants to work on the data.
Length Frequency Data
Length frequency samples were mostly those collected for tagging purposes, but on many days, there were too many snails to tag so the extras were included for length frequency analyses and hence these numbers are higher than the numbers tagged. Some sampling days were specifically for collecting a length frequency sample but on some of these days a small batch (usually very small and very large snails) was tagged.
Sample data are being analysed to compare:
- Sites and subsites within the same month,
- Sites and sub-sites for the same calendar month in sequential years,
- each site over the whole 6-year period,
- samples collected in the calendar months of each year,
- cohort modes within each sample where distributions are clearly multi-modal.
Samples are being compared by eye and using the Kolmogorov/Smirnov 2 sample test (see Wikipedia entry) and Cucconi’s test (see Marozzi 2009).
A length distribution example appears below for Congwong 3 for April in three successive years. Frequencies have been smoothed using a 3mm moving average and converted to percentage frequencies to make comparison easier. A dominant mode at about 70mm in 2021 and 2023 is not evident in 2022 and a strong mode around 35mm-45mm is less evident in April 2021 and absent in April 2023.

Details of methods will be reported in future posts with results. Initially, some comparisons are visual, and cohort modes are crudely estimated as above, but it is hoped that software to dissect gaussian components of multimodal distributions can be successfully used. I suspect that spawning is extremely spatially and temporally asynchronous for both species, as Seinor et al, (2023) and other previous researchers have found, with multiple spawnings and extended spawning seasons. This, and the effects of storms probably account for anomalies.
Raw length frequency data are available on request in a Microsoft Excel workbook if anyone wants to analyse them. Eventually I hope to transfer the data to a permanent and professionally curated ecological database.
Statistical Analyses
Tag-recapture data were analysed initially using the linear regression (graphical) methods of Walford (1946 – see also Ford,1933) and Gulland and Holt (1959). The Ford/Walford plot and the Gulland/Holt plot are discussed in another post about growth rate issues.
The tagging data are also being analysed using the Fabens non-linear technique with the FSA function in the R package fishR (see Ogle 2018) and the GROTAGPLUS function in the R package FISHMETHODS (see Francis 1988). Growth curves other than the vonBertalanffy curve can be fitted with these tools.
The length frequency data were trialled with the normalmixEM function in the R package MIXTOOLS but I found it very subjective, as was the ELEFAN function (Pauly and David, 1981) in the R package TropFishR. I have abandoned them both for the present, and I am hoping MULTIFAN, (Fournier et al, 1990), which combines tag-recapture and length-frequency data, might reduce the subjectivity in identifying and quantifying cohorts.
Details of each analytical method used will be provided in future posts with the results from each phase of data analysis. The analyses will focus on site, season, sex and interannual differences using relevant subsets of the data.
Ford E, 1933. An Account of the Herring Investigations Conducted at Plymouth during the Years from 1924 to 1933.
Francis R I C C 1988. Maximum likelihood estimation of growth and growth variability from tagging data NZ J.Mar.Freshwater Res. 22(1):43-51 doi.org/10.1080/00288330.1988.9516276
Gulland J A and S J Holt. 1959. Estimation of growth parameters for data at unequal time intervals. J.Cons.Int.Explor.Mer 25(1):47-49
Kolmogorov Smirnov test: see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov%E2%80%93Smirnov_test
Fournier, D.A., Sibert, J.R., Majkowski, J. and Hampton, J., 1990. MULTIFAN a likelihood-based method for estimating growth parameters and age composition from multiple length frequency data sets illustrated using data for southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii). Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences, 47(2), pp.301-317.
Marozzi M, 2009 Some notes on the location-scale Cucconi test. J Nonparametric Statistics 21(5)
Ogle, Derek H 2018. Introductory Fisheries Analysis with R. CRC Press.
Pauly, D. and David, N., 1981. ELEFAN I, a BASIC program for the objective extraction of growth parameters from length-frequency data. Meeresforschung, 28(4), pp.205-211.
Seinor K, Purcell S W, Malcolm H, Smith S D A and Benkendorff K (2023). Extended and spatially asynchronous reproductive periodicity in a harvested, warm-temperate rocky-reef gastropod (Turbinidae). Fisheries Oceanography 1-12 https://doi.org/10.1111/fog.12653
Walford L A. 1946. A new graphic method of describing the growth of animals. Biol Bull 90(2). 12 https://doi.org/10.2307/1538217